Curly redwood!

Kamis, 21 April 2016

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Last week, Rick Beale dropped off a bunch of wood in my driveway at 2:00 in the morning while on his way to the airport. What a crazy thing to wake up in the morning and have a load of curly redwood waiting in front of my garage!
Im not sure what Im going to do with it yet, there are some beautiful pieces here.
There are two I like the best. I think I want to make something that shows off the bark on this big piece.
And this monster. Ive never had such a huge chunk of redwood. Or any other wood for that matter. I dont want to saw it into boards...its too cool like this. Just need to come up with something substantial. Milling it is going to be tricky. I might decide to turn pieces of it. Ideas?
Thanks again Rick!

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